Countertop Tool
Hard Surface Cleaning is perfect for cleaning professionals who want to diversify. The Hard Surface ..
Coupler for Upholstery Tool
Aluminum casting used on Prochem upholstery tool. Previous manufacture part numbers: 52-501585 and ..
Door Mount High Pressure Hose Reel
We have versions specifically designed to fit Ford or Chevrolet. 300-feet; powder coated...
Double Shot Deodorizer
Enzymes target and literally digest the organic residues that generate odors, stopping odors at the ..
Dual Diaphragm Waste Pumpout
Prochem’s new style waste tank pump continually empties your waste tank as needed, and allows you to..
Enzyme Rescue
Case of 4. Attacks and actually digests odor-producing organic residues. Bio-enzymatic action works ..
This product’s exclusive chemical technologyaids in the removal of dark filtration soil linesalong w..
Fine Fabric Cotton Detergent
This detergent powder with moderated bleaches is perfect for white cotton fabrics. Superior for low-..
Fine Fabric Cotton Shampoo
Case of 4. One-step solution, specially formulated for raw and Haitian Cotton. It cleans effectively..