• Product Code: 224006000
  • Availability: In Stock
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  • Product Code: 224006000
  • Availability: In Stock
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A nature-inspired antimicrobial cleaner
Use BotaniClean for the dirty jobs – water damage, sewage, trauma, and fire. Its unique, nature-inspired thymol blend is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial that’s economical, ready-to-use and lets you clean, disinfect and deodorize with a mild, pleasant fragrance – all in one easy step. Its see-through bottle helps you instantly SEE the BotaniClean difference – the active doesn’t separate, ensuring a consistent product every time. 


Formulation Ready-to-use
Appearance Opaque clear liquid
pH 3.5 +0.5
Specific gravity 1.03–1.00 (H20 = 1)
EPA registration no. 34810-25-70385

Use Instructions
General cleaning and disinfecting directions: Gross filth and heavy soil must be removed before applying cleaning solution. Apply to surfaces by cloth, sponge, brush, coarse spray or by immmersing equipment using cleaning methods. All hard surfaces must be wet thoroughly, and remain wet for at least 10 minutes and allowed to air dry. Thoroughly rinse all wetted and cleaned food contact surfaces with potable water.  As the solution becomes dirty, discard and replace with fresh solution.

For complete use instructions and specific information about cleaning and decontaminating surfaces/objects please consult the label. 

It is a violation of Federal Law to use the product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.

For complete instructions and safety information about this product, refer to the product label and Safety Data Sheet, available under the Documents tab. 

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