Michigan Maintenance Supply Blog

January 24, 2020
5 yearsago

8 Most Commonly Replaced Vacuum Cleaner Parts

When you are operating a vacuum daily, whether you’re covering small or large areas, parts break, components go bad, pieces fall off. This doesn’t mean you need a new vacuum, but you do need vacuum cleaner parts and service. Here are some of the most commonly replaced vacuum cleaner parts that need replacing to get those important machines up and running again.

January 23, 2020
5 yearsago

4 Advantages of Automatic Floor Scrubbers

Automatic floor scrubbers are a must for any mid- to large-size commercial or industrial business. If you have tile, linoleum, hardwood, or any uncarpeted floor that requires daily maintenance, an automatic floor scrubber is the most efficient and financially savvy way to keep up the appearance of your business or operation.

July 30, 2019
6 yearsago

Ask about our summer sale pricing throughout the store!

Call, Stop-In or Order Online, you get the same Low Price!
Sale ends August 15 2019 so stock up now!

July 25, 2019
6 yearsago


Air flow is very important to keep your equipment running. This year there are a lot of cotton seeds in the air. They are just right to stick in a radiator or cooling passages in your truckmount engine. So you should check and or clean the air passages on your engine. Also, it is important to leave the side doors and back doors open as well as the windows in the cab for air flow while cleaning. (more…)

July 25, 2019
6 yearsago

Buy a Legend Brands Truckmount and get:

  • $300 worth of Cleaning Solutions, FREE!
  • Double Legend Rewards
  • Plus, SAVE up to 40% on chemistry.

Hurry, this is a Limited-time offer!

Only ONE coupon per transaction may be applied. This offer excludes tax and cannot be combined with any other offer.

July 8, 2019
6 yearsago

From NOW until the END OF THE JULY

Get HUGE savings on Legend Brands chemistry

June 13, 2019
6 yearsago

Save $50 on any $250 combined Prochem branded purchase. (Excluding Tax)

Valid June 1-30 2019 only at participating Prochem distributors.


  1. Download and print the coupon.
  2. Bring it to the store.
June 13, 2019
6 yearsago

Save $20 on any $100 combined Chemspec branded purchase. (Excluding Tax)

Valid June 1-30 2019 only at participating Prochem distributors.


  1. Download and print the coupon.
  2. Bring it to the store.
January 9, 2019
6 yearsago

February 5th from 9am to 1pm.

Call now to get registration half off of $60 (pay only $30).

Ask about invitation-only 25% discount on non-sale merchandise.

October 31, 2018
6 yearsago

Get Big-Time 2018 Tax Savings!

Calculate YOUR potential Section 179 Tax Savings

These tax savings are significant – see for yourself!

Take a minute and check out how Section 179 Tax Savings can work for your business
It’s worth it

If you purchased or plan to purchase equipment for your business – whether for cleaning or restoration – you want to take advantage of Section 179 Tax Savings. Here are some BIG reasons why: (more…)

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