When cleaning is your job, you’re expected to know how to get rid of every unwanted stain, spot, or problem area that is making a carpet, floor, cushion, home, or office look unsightly. While you undoubtedly have plenty of tricks up your sleeve to make issues like these disappear, the snow, ice, slush, and muck of Michigan winters can be a challenge for even the most seasoned professional cleaner. Stock up on the professional cleaning products that will help you tackle every mess.
Professional Cleaning Products to Clean Winter Carpets
Everything underfoot is subject to the whims of winter weather. If you clean carpets in homes, offices, or businesses, you need strong cleaning products to break through stains and sludge.
- Stain Treatment: You can call it stain treatment or carpet spotting solution, either way you need a reliable chemical that will neutralize stains without damaging carpet fibers. Ready-to-use and hydrogen-peroxide-based, the Contempo spotting solution is clear, colorless, and has a fresh fragrance.
- Traffic Lane Cleaner: Where there is tons of traffic, there are tons of spots and stains. Chemspec heavy-duty traffic lane cleaner can detach soils from carpets, even in areas that are walked on over and over and over again. Your clients will consider you the carpet whisperer when you put this product into action.
- Pre-Treater: Ultrapec Pre-Treat is a concentrated carpet cleaner that can manage everything from heavy soils to everyday use. Oily, greasy dirt – you know the kind we’re talking about – will disappear under your elbow grease and this pre-treater. It’s a step above harsh degreasers and high-pH cleaners. No resoiling residue left behind.
Powerful Disinfectants to Fight Winter Illness
Winter weather doesn’t only bring with it a mess of precipitation, it brings colds, flu, and Covid variants. Invest in powerful disinfectants so you can reassure your clients that you’re using the strongest disinfectants available, like:
- PSQ 2: A one-step cleaner for hard, non-porous surfaces.
- HDQ Neutral: Destroys antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
- Halt: Hospital-grade, one-step cleaner, bacteriacidal, virucidal, mildewcidal, fungicidal disinfectant.
- TB Cide: Intermediate-level disinfectant and non-acid cleaner that minimizes cross-contamination.
Other tough cleansers that can be used on multiple surfaces and that are known for attacking germs and grime include NABC, DMQ, X Effect, CDC-10, Foamy Q and A, and Sani-T-10 Plus.
Cleaning Equipment for Winter Weather Jobs
Your cleaning equipment doesn’t change too much from season to season, but it’s especially important to make sure your fleet is working properly so it can handle whatever job comes your way.
- Truckmounts: Do you need a tune up or annual servicing? Get it done now so your truckmount doesn’t go down in the middle of a job, or add another truckmount to your fleet to make your services that much more efficient.
- Automatic scrubber: Whether you have a ride-on automatic scrubber or a walk-behind version, floors are going to be screaming for a cleaning. Make sure your machines are on point.
- Vacuum cleaner: Whether you rely on a backpack vacuum for smaller jobs, upright vacuums, or otherwise, there are cost-effective options that allow you to be versatile whether you’re an overall cleaner or focus on carpets alone.
Professional Cleaning Supplies Near Me in Michigan
Stock up on professional cleaning supplies and equipment or arrange a preventive maintenance appointment with Michigan Maintenance Supply, including equipment inspections. Contact us today to learn more.