Michigan Maintenance Supply Blog

Archive for Month: November 2021

November 17, 2021
3 yearsago

Cleaning is more frequent and necessary during cold and flu season, and the fear of a fresh wave of COVID-19 emerging simultaneously is also present. Don’t be caught without the necessary professional cleaning supplies and equipment. Show your clients that you’re prepared for every possibility and ready to attack any surface with powerful cleaning agents. Your conscientiousness and hard work helps your clients feel safer and healthier. Stock up and stay ready until the spring thaw arrives.

November 4, 2021
3 yearsago

Gyms are where people sweat and breathe heavily. Keeping equipment, floors, locker rooms, and all surfaces clean during operating hours has always been a necessity, even more so through COVID. If you are ready to expand your clientele, if you’re trying to figure out the best way to market your cleaning services to gyms and fitness centers, consider the following.

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