Michigan Maintenance Supply Blog

Archive for Month: February 2021

February 23, 2021
4 yearsago

While some businesses have floundered during the pandemic, professional cleaning companies are thriving and experiencing surges in business. Your services are needed more than ever as companies, offices, medical facilities, schools, and other entities begin reopening. To keep up with the cleaning demands that have developed since COVID-19 began, inventory your supplies and check your equipment to make sure you’re prepared to handle the change.

February 11, 2021
4 yearsago

Burst pipes and floods are two major water issues that are common among Michigan homeowners during brutally cold and snowy winters. When you are hired as the restoration or cleaning company that is called in to help, you need quality dehumidifiers at the ready so you can manage the cleanup for all sizes and types of spaces. Here are just five maintenance tips for keeping dehumidifiers working properly for all your water damage restoration jobs.

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