Michigan Maintenance Supply Blog

Archive for Month: October 2020

October 27, 2020
4 yearsago

When you are in the professional cleaning business, certain times of the year are more demanding than others. Holidays, changing seasons, and extreme weather conditions definitely call for superior cleaning power. And when your clients want things to be clean in an environmentally friendly way, you need green cleaning supplies to satisfy their demands and deliver the top-quality services your company is known for providing.

October 13, 2020
4 yearsago

Flu season has arrived. COVID is not going anywhere. Germs will make their way into buildings, offices, hospitals, schools, and stores right alongside their counterparts – dirt, snow, slush, rain, leaves, and all manner of cold weather side effects. Your cleaning crews need the most powerful and reliable cleaning supplies and equipment to get through fall and winter so your clients’ desks, floors, door handles, carpets, tables, restrooms, and more are as clean and sanitary as possible.

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