Michigan Maintenance Supply Blog

Archive for Month: June 2020

June 29, 2020
5 yearsago

The world remains a hostage of COVID-19, but life still goes on. More than ever, daily cleaning is an absolute necessity no matter where you live, work, and play. Professional cleaners and janitorial crews should always be equipped with the cleaning supplies and personal protective equipment to operate safely now and in a post-COVID-19 economy.

June 18, 2020
5 yearsago

Cleaning supplies are always in demand for professional cleaners and janitorial crews. Now, more than ever, you cannot run short on critical disinfectants or personal protective equipment for yourself and your employees. As we continue to wade through COVID-19, as businesses begin to open and people emerge from their homes, you need a reliable source of cleaning disinfectants and PPE at the ready.

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