Michigan Maintenance Supply Blog

Archive for Month: March 2018

March 6, 2018
7 yearsago

There are times when cleaning professionals are called upon to offer cleaning services in a hurry. Are you prepared to make that happen and do the job successfully so you secure a customer for life? There is never a wrong time to improve your skill set and make your Michigan carpet cleaning business a known entity in your community, and a reliable one at that.

4 Ways Carpet Cleaning Professionals Can Impress Customers

    1. Offer specialized cleaning services.

      Not all carpet cleaning companies offer a wide range of services. Some of them are challenged to provide a comprehensive list of options for their customers. Some of them attempt to deliver on a customer’s request even if they don’t have experience. If you want to truly be on top in your industry, get the education you need to offer specialized cleaning services, like removing pet stains and odors, offering first response services, and thoroughly cleaning upholstery.


March 1, 2018
7 yearsago

Michigan pet owners love their pets. They provide great love and companionship. But animals can be smelly, and somepets are indiscriminate about where they take care of nature’s call. Pets have been known to use the wrong area of the home as their public bathroom. Whatever the reason for pet urine and feces stains and odors, there is one revolutionary product that can eliminate the whole mess: ODORx Un-Duz-It Unleashed.

The One-Stop Solution for Eliminating Pet Odors and Stains

Many Michigan carpet-cleaning customers are seeking carpet-cleaning professionals who have the capability to eliminate obvious pet stains, and the accompanying odors. Regular carpet or floor cleanings won’t be enough to truly eliminate urine or feces stains, and is likely to be ineffective on those specific odors. However, with a targeted pet stain removing product like ODORx, you can tell your customers that those noxious smells and unsightly spots will be a thing of the past.

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